Swingers in Blackheath London SE3

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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS s.uid, s.pid, s.title, s.his_name, s.her_name, s.his_year, s.her_year, s.his_month, s.her_month, s.icon, s.photo_count, t.id as town_id, t.name as town_name, t.postcode, c.id as county_id, c.name as county_name, country.id as country_id, country.name as country_name, country.suffix as country_suffix, u.ls_join, u.town_id, u.confirmed_f, u.class, u.members_only, u.last_login, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.date_expires) AS date_expires FROM search as s, wt_users AS u, town as t, county as c, country WHERE s.uid = u.uid AND u.town_id = t.id AND t.FK_county_id=c.id AND c.FK_country_id=country.id AND u.online='Y' AND ((u.ls_join=2 AND u.class=1) OR (u.ls_join=2 AND u.confirmed_f='Y') OR (u.ls_join != 2)) AND town_id = '21600' AND match(s.title, s.details) AGAINST ('' IN BOOLEAN MODE) UNION SELECT s.uid, s.pid, s.title, s.his_name, s.her_name, s.his_year, s.her_year, s.his_month, s.her_month, s.icon, s.photo_count, t.id as town_id, t.name as town_name, t.postcode, c.id as county_id, c.name as county_name, country.id as country_id, country.name as country_name, country.suffix as country_suffix, u.ls_join, u.town_id, u.confirmed_f, u.class, u.members_only, u.last_login, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.date_expires) AS date_expires FROM search as s, wt_users AS u, town as t, county as c, country WHERE s.uid = u.uid AND u.town_id = t.id AND t.FK_county_id=c.id AND c.FK_country_id=country.id AND u.online='Y' AND ((u.ls_join=2 AND u.class=1) OR (u.ls_join=2 AND u.confirmed_f='Y') OR (u.ls_join != 2)) AND town_id = '21600' AND ( t.name LIKE '%%' OR t.postcode LIKE '' OR c.name LIKE '%' ) ORDER BY last_login DESC LIMIT -20, 20